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Which VR solution is right for me?

Let's be honest, virtual reality is new and who has any idea of what they want?

This is what we often hear from our clients:

"I get that VR looks cool, and I get there's a benefit... but there's also a cost.  How can I decide on something that I know nothing about?"

We understand this quandary and have put together this flow chart to help you out.

Note however that every situation is different, and so are your needs... so use this merely as a rough guide

Below is a quick overview of each option, yet feel free to click on the solutions drop down menu for more specific information.

WHAT: Very quick turnaround immersive solution that puts end user in control of exploring

WHEN: Need to understand the sizing, spacing and flow of a room or building

WHY: Cheap, 3 day turnaround, iterative and easy to use on any device

WHY NOT: Requires base 3D model from 3rd party.  WhiteBox only.

WHAT DEVICES: Ideal for any device, yet most commonly used with laptops, PCs and iPhones

ALTERNATIVE: Upgrade to Virtual View if you need to see options or final finishes


Our quickest solution that enables you to teleport to a future building and control and explore to your hearts content... outputs can be customized to work on any device - so perfect for sharing!

WHAT: Still renders of an environment.

WHEN: Have a good idea of final details and want to ensure the best choices are made.

WHY: Highest quality, low cost, beautiful, fast, iterative

WHY NOT: Static viewpoints, mean it's not the best solution for multiple angle viewing

ALTERNATIVE: Upgrade to STILL VIEW 360 (coming in early 2017)

Exterior New Home Construction
Floor Plan View
Kitchen v2 - final render
Living Room remodel
Living Room Remodel
Kitchen v1a - For client approval

WHAT: Interactive solution that puts user in control of exploring and trying out options

WHEN: Want to grasp design, layout, flow, and combinations of options

WHY: When multiple options are on the cards or big decisions need to be made

WHY NOT: More expensive & requires more time than other solutions (roughly 4 weeks)

WHAT DEVICES: Ideal for any device (iPhones, iPads, computers and VR headsets)

TIP: Keep price low by focusing on key rooms and core decisions.  

ALTERNATIVE: WhiteBox low cost version available.  Also focus on key rooms, textures and options


WIth VIrtualView you can find your own path and look at every option to help guide the most important of decisions.



If you are a builder, designer, decorater, remodeler, or anyone related to the construction industry, simply follow this 3 step rule and send your info to :

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